1 apartment
Starting from
£ 350 /Per Night

Stylish, luxurious apartments

The Grassmarket is located in the heart of Edinburgh's historic Old Town, central to the city's main business, shopping, legal and financial districts and ideally positioned to take advantage its world renowned International

Film and Fringe Festivals and Hogmanay celebrations. The property is situated in the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and just a stones' throw from Edinburgh Castle, St. Giles' Cathedral, the National Museum of Scotland, the National Library and Edinburgh University


  • Wifi

    High-speed WiFi included for work, play, chat and more!

  • All-inclusive

    Hassle free as all your bills are included.

  • Flexible Leases

    Stay for a night or stay for a year – the choice is yours

  • Parking

    Secure car parking available

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